Tuesday, January 22, 2008

UCSB Drops to 11 in Mid-Major Top 25

Hmmmm....You play one dominating game in your week and you drop in the rankings, go figure. UCSB went from 10 to 11 this week in the Mid-Major Top 25. Although the Gauchos are 4th in the current Big West standings, they're the highest ranked Big West team. Maybe those Mid-Major pollsters know something (or maybe, they're falling into the same trap that Bob Williams lulls them into every year).

First place CSUN moved up to #13 from #16. Second place Pacific moved into the Top 25 at #22, while third place CSUF isn't even in the Top 25. In fairness, CSUF is also 11-6, so they're going to have to perform for a few more weeks to sniff the Top 25.

Interestingly, the Mid-Major Top 25 doesn't match-up with the AP Top 25 (or Coaches poll for that matter). Gonzaga is still ranked #1 in the MM25, with Butler being #2. However, Butler is #15 in the country, while Gonzaga is in the ORV category. Explain that to me. I don't know who's right and who is wrong, but something is amiss. Also, Drake and St. Mary's are ranked ahead of Gonzaga in the AP25.

This leads me to a question, which I think I already know the answer to; if you had a choice in the Bracket Buster game, would you rather play a MM25 #1 Gonzaga (I know they aren't in the Bracket Busters) or an AP25 team like Butler? Feel free to post in the comments and make it an open thread or fill out the poll on the right.

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