Saturday, March 29, 2008

Billy Packer Sucks

Since UCSB's season is over, I haven't had much to write about. Yesterday that changed. While listening to the Stanford-Texas game, I was forced to listen to Billy Packer. After listening to Packer I'm pretty sure that I would rather hit myself with a hammer than listen to Packer.

I've always felt this way, but yesterday's performance by Mr. Packer threw lighter fluid and a match onto the pile of logs accumulating in my mind.

In Packer's opinion, everything (and I mean everything) DJ Augustin did drew incredible amounts of praise from Packer. Everything from jump shots to a pass to a wide open teammate were all "great plays." It was so ridiculous. Almost as if he wants to make out with Augustin. DJ is a phenomenal player, no doubt. However, when you're complimenting a point guard for passing to the open man, that's a bit silly. Isn't that what a point guard is supposed to do?

On the other hand, Stanford drew nothing but criticism from Packer. They did nothing right in his eyes. In fact, Packer's distaste for all things Stanford gave way to the funniest non-comment of the game. Early in the second half, Taj Finger drove to the basket and drew a foul call. It was a nice drive by Finger and a good job of getting to the line. After Jim Nantz was done with the play-by-play there was awkward silence for the next minute or so while Finger shot the free throw. Either Packer didn't want to give credit for getting to the line or he just couldn't think of any negative spin.

With that being said, I really want Packer to retire or get fired. Unfortunately, just like Bob Williams, Billy Packer will be back next year and the year after that.

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